Returnees, sick people urged to refrain from going to mosques


Staff Reporter :
Islamic Foundation on Tuesday asked expatriates who returned home recently not to go to mosques if they have coronavirus-like symptoms such as fever, cold and cough.
It suggested them to avoid public gatherings to restrain the spread of the virus among the people.
The foundation said it in a statement adding that a special situation is prevailing across the country now as the coronavirus had taken an epidemic turn worldwide.The flight operations on international routes have been suspended in this situation.
 “Every day the reports of death are published across the world. New people are getting infected with the virus everyday,” the statement said.
In this situation, the statement said, the government has closed all educational institutions and advised people to avoid public gatherings.
In these circumstances, the Islamic Foundation is advising people who are returning home from abroad with coronavirus like symptoms and are suffering from fever, cold and cough not to come to mosques to attend in prayers.
It also asked Imams to create awareness among worshipers through discussions on the issue.
