Restore faith in love post break-up


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The end of any relationship leaves behind scars and the ability to trust again becomes a challenge when you start a new relationship. Take it slow, be honest and all will be fine.
Rachel MacLynn, psychologist and relationship expert, shares trust commandments that will help put the faith back into love, reports
Break-upEveryone experiences heartbreaks, but being strong about it is another thing
Accept that you are stronger than before
After the end of a relationship, you become wiser and ultimately a stronger person than you were before you experienced the difficult time. And that means that you now have more to contribute to a new relationship, and that you can be an even better partner to the right person. Take your time and offer yourself slowly, watching for how the person responds. Show a few smaller parts of yourself in the beginning; then, if the new person responds in a way that makes you feel safe, try offering a bit more.
Break-upFor the first few weeks, it’s going to be a long and lonely journey
Be honest
It can be very healthy to openly discuss your reluctance to make yourself vulnerable again. It can also create a sense of connectedness between two people, which can lead to more trust and caring. You might even find that the person you are sharing your experiences with has a similar story.
Remember that your new partner isn’t your old one. Don’t treat him as the person that hurt you, remember he hasn’t done anything wrong.
In many cases, the fear of trusting another person is more about your own fear of not being able to handle a betrayal. But you know you can. You know you will be able to cope with a broken heart and trusting yourself to be able to cope will make it much easier for you to learn to trust again.
– IANS London.
