Resist Saif Power, save Port, says Mohiuddin

Chittagong Bureau :
Bandar Rakkha Parishad(Port Protection Council) held a huge attended press conference in front of Chittagong Press Club yesterday morning and its convenor and former Mayor Mohiuddin Chowdhury presided over it.
 Mohiuddin Chowdhury in his deliverations said , the people of Chittagong irrespective of opinions and party affiliations will launch movement against the Saif Power Tech to save the port from the grips of the vested quarters. He said 10% of the total income from port, Saif Power Tec bribes to Ministers , he alleged in the press meet. He also earmarked the Saif Power as leader(sardar) of police.
The slogan of the press meet was Resist Saif Power, Save Ctg Port . He said Saif Power is playing with the interest of the port as well as the country and we are launching movement for the better interest of the port not for any business. He said I always fights for the interest of the port and I was also threatened for life earlier but I never dares such threats.The former Mayor mentioned the parliamentary standing committee as mad and asked them to refrain from such illegal activities otherwise we will compelled to take counter actions against Saif Power. He also criticized the parliamentary committee members for their naked support to Saif Power and called them to work for the development of the port .
The written statement was read out before the pressmen by the General Secretry of Dock Bandar Sramik League Wahidullah Sarkar. The written statement was told that if the effective measure for appointment of new berth operators of NCT is sighted very shortly, they will launch tougher movement including gherao and siege in port. Among others joint secretary of AL Badiul Alam and NAP leader Ahmed Nazi also spoke on the occasion. Mentionable that Saif Power Tec operating the NCT on DPM method the deal with Saif Power will expired on December 31 next.