Resist evil efforts of anti-lib forces: President

UNB, Gazipur :
President Abdul Hamid on Monday stressed the need for spreading the spirit of the Liberation War among all to resist the conspiracy of the anti-liberation forces which could raise their heads whenever they get scope.
“We have to resist any type of conspiracy and evil efforts for the interest of the nation and the country. For this reason we have to spread the spirit of the Liberation War among all. It is our duty to build up our new generation imbued with the spirit of Liberation War,” he said. “The anti- liberation forces did not forget the stigma of defeat in the Liberation War. So the evil forces raise their heads whenever they get scope. They are the enemy of the country’s independence, democracy and development, “he said. President Hamid was addressing a rally at Gazipur Rajbari field here on Monday afternoon. Swadhinatar Prothom Soshosro Protirod Dibos Udjapan Committee organized the rally to mark the first armed resistance against the Pakistani
occupation forces in Gazipur. Chaired by Deputy Commissioner of Gazipur district Dr Dewan Md Humayun Kabir, the rally was addressed, among others, by Liberation War Affairs Minister AKM Mozammel Huq, local MP Zahid Ahasan Russell, Gazipur Zila Parishad chairman Aktheruzzaman and local Awami League leaders.
“There was an evil effort to teach the distorted history of our Liberation War to the next generation. Those who distorted the history did this deliberately. They did this as they are afraid of Bangabandhu, Liberation War and the history of the Liberation War,” he said. “Now we are the citizens of an independent country. The country is moving towards development with pride.
If the trend of development continues, we must be placed in the group of developed countries by 2041, “he said. The President said the 19th March of 1971 is a historic day as the people of Gazipur made their first armed resistance against the Pakistani occupation forces. The Liberation War of Bangladesh was never a sudden incident rather the history of 24 years long repression and exploitation by the West Pakistanis were the main reason of it. He also said that the historic 19th March, the first armed resistance against Pakistani occupation forces, in Gazipur is an important milestone in the history of freedom struggle. This resistance had accelerated the preparation of armed freedom fighters and encouraged the general public to participate in the war, he said.
About the historic March 7 speech of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, President Hamid said in his speech Bangabandhu had clearly given the outline of the country’s independence and the Liberation War. In this speech, he (Bangabandhu) reflected the expectation of the common people. Even he gave guideline what to do in his absence. For this reason, March 7 speech is the charter of freedom of Bangali and the source of inspiration for the oppressed, and deprived people across the globe.