Resist ‘Digital Security Bill’: BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
Terming it a dangerous ‘black law’, BNP on Saturday urged the people of all walks of life to put up a strong resistance against ‘Digital Security Bill, 2018.
“A parliamentary standing committee finalised a report on the much-talked-about Digital Security Bill, 2018 ignoring the opinions of people of all strata. It’s a dangerous black law which will be passed to establish Awami League’s full control over the state power,’ said BNP senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi.
Speaking at a press conference at BNP’s
cases filed under it will continue. “In Section 32 of the new law, the word ‘spying’ won’t exist. The proposed law aims to prevent digital crimes, not to curb freedom of speech. After the passing of the bill, some other relevant acts might need amendments,” he said.
“The proposed law won’t be a barrier to reporting on corruption, but violation of official secrecy will be a punishable offence. To reduce digital crimes, we need to create public awareness,” he said.
The target of the proposed digital security law is not to control social media but control digital crimes. Digital security should be ensured by using technology, he added.
Jabbar said, those who spread rumors during the safe road movement were brought to justice with the help of technology.
He thanked the law enforcement agencies as they had been able to bring the rumor spreaders under trial by identifying IP addresses and mobile tracking.