Research on shipbuilding industry of Ctg stressed

Chittagong Bureau :
French Rescarcher and Associate Professor of Shib Nadar University Dr. Samuel Bachet emphasised the need for research over the ship building industry of Chittagong . Mr. Samuel was also the former Director of Alliance Franchaise , Chittagong .
 He said the global politics was based on Indian ocean earlier and the role of the Chittagong Port in Indian Ocean was remarkable. Dr. Samuel disclosed it while addressing the workshop on ‘Revisiting the History of Chittagong and Shared Exploration’ as arranged by Chittagong Independent University at its auditorium on Thursday evening.
The students of National cultural & Heritage course of CIU arranged the workshop , sources said.
 In his keynote speech Dr. Samuel said the students should know the ancient history of chittagong regarding role of ship building activities and skillness of the sailors of this region and you need for more research work over the historical role of chittagong to get their original rights in this sector.
Acting vice chancellor of CIU Dr. Ershad Kamal Khan delivered address of welcome in it . He said through this workshop, our students will some how be apprised about the concept of ancient heritage of chittagong.