Report on executing arrest warrant for Khaleda July 29

BSS, Dhaka :
A Dhaka court yesterday set July 29 to submit report on executing an order to arrest BNP chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia in a case lodged over allegations of making religious instigation and creating conflict among people of different classes.
Yesterday was fixed for submitting the report, but Gulshan Police Station authorities failed to do it. Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Ziaur Rahman then set the fresh date.
Dhaka metropolitan magistrate Mohammad Jashim issued the warrant for Khaleda on January 20.

The court also ordered Gulshan Police Station to submit report on executing the order.
According to the case documents, the BNP leader made some objectionable comments while exchanging greetings with the members of Hindu community at capital’s Engineers Institution on October 14, 2014.
Jananetri Parishad president AB Siddique filed the case against Khaleda on October 21, 2014.
The court asked an official of Shahbagh Police Station to probe the case.
Shahbagh Police Station inspector Jafar Ali Biswas on June 30, 2018, filed report saying he has found the allegations true.
