Rental Power Act may stay for 4 more yrs

Shahidul Islam Shahid :
The government is poised to extend the tenure of “Power and Energy Quick Supply Enhancing (Special Rules) Act-2010” for another four years to meet the increasing demand of power and energy.
Besides, the tenure of the ‘quick rental power plants’ would also be extended till October 2018, when the “Coal-based Power Plants” would start supplying power to the National Grid.
Competent sources said, the decision to extend the tenure of the Act and quick rental plants were taken at a meeting of highly placed officials held at the Power and Energy Division recently.
Senior officials of the Ministry of Power and Energy are now busy drafting a summery of the proposals justifying necessities of the extension of the Act and plants. The proposals would be placed before the Cabinet for finalisation before October this year.
The law enables the government to enhance power and energy supply quickly by giving final order to establish generation plants without going for tender or other bureaucratic tangles. Besides, the law provides immunity to the officials, who are involved in power and energy deals, from trial on corruption charges.
The law was originally enacted for two years in October 2010. The tenure of the law was extended for two years more in October 2012 and scheduled
to automatically cease to exist on October 11, this year, if not extended further. All the ‘quick-rental power plants’ were established under this law. Besides, power import from India and contract with Gazprome to dig 10 gas wells were done under the law, which would also enable the government import gas from foreign country. Talking to The New Nation on Friday over telephone, State Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul Hamid stressed the need for extension of the tenure of the “Power and Energy Quick Supply Enhancing (Special Rules) Act-2010” by four years.
“Otherwise, we will not be able to produce 24,000 Megawatts (MW) of electricity by 2021 as per the Power Sector Master Plan,” he said, adding that if the Ministry follows tender and re-tender process as per the “Public Procurement Act” everything will take longer time and nothing will be done in time.
The daily power generation on Friday varied between 6,124 MW and 7,200 MW, according Power Development Board record.