Readers’ Voice


Lack Of Safe Sidewalks

There are no safe sidewalks for pedestrians in Chittagong city. It is now difficult to travel safely. An accident could happen at any time. Traders have taken over most of the city’s roads and sidewalks. At present development projects are going on all around. Meanwhile, hawkers have occupied every busiest place of the city including New Market, Teri Bazar, Chowk Bazar, Muradpur and Bahaddarhat. These are important places in the bustling city with temporary shops selling a variety of products, including fish, vegetables, fruits, clothes and shoes. As a result, it is difficult for pedestrians to move on the sidewalk. Along with the suffering of pedestrians, traffic congestion is intensifying. Due to the crowd, pedestrians are forced to walk on the road.
In addition, risky cooking is taking place in various hotels with stoves on the sidewalk. Pedestrians have to walk past by these open cooking stoves. Fatal accidents like fatalities can happen at any moment. In addition, there are permanent shops selling different types of tea and fruits in many places, but the sidewalks are occupied with goods. Many footbridges in the city also belong to local vendors. As results, there is no freedom of movement. There is resentment among the city dwellers due to wastage of time, insecurity and traffic jams. City Corporation officials cannot avoid this responsibility in any way. I hope the authorities will take immediate action.

M Athar Noor
Student, IR Dept
University of Chittagong
