Readers’ Voice


World AIDS Day’ 2020
Communities across the globe commemorate the World AIDS Day every year on December 1. People around the world unify to convey support for people living with and affected by HIV and to remember those who lost their lives to AIDS. The theme – ‘Global solidarity, shared responsibility’, for this year, significantly denotes a wake-up call, an opportunity to do things differently- better, and together.
The Covid-19 pandemic has aggravated the challenges for people living with HIV. The crisis has broadened social and economic inequalities that heighten the vulnerability of AIDS survivors. Therefore, eliminating stigma and discrimination, putting people at the center and grounding our responses in human rights are key to limiting the magnitude of HIV. Community activism and solidarity have been paramount in providing people affected by HIV with information, services, social protection and hope through human rights based approach.
Lifesaving medicines, vaccines and diagnostics must be considered as public goods. There must be global solidarity and shared responsibility to ensure that no individual, community or country is left behind in accessing life-saving health commodities. However, such solidarity is always meant for a combined responsibility of governments, communities, donors, religious leaders and civil society to work for making the world a healthier and safer place.

Wares Ali Khan
Sadar Narsingdi
