Readers’ Voice


Food Poisoning
In Summer

Food poisoning is one of the major problems that occur in summer season which may ultimately lead to some dangerous diseases like diarrhea, vomiting, skin problems etc. Therefore, we must be aware to be protected from such unwanted hazards.
We have to eschew from taking foods sold outside of home. Besides, we ought to refresh ourselves before taking food. We should to short-cut of our nails regularly.
Finally, we must drink safe water, fruit juice adequately.
I would like to say in fine, be careful. There is no alternative to carefulness if we want to keep our body fit.

Md. Al-amin
Bangla Department
Dhaka College


Benefits Of
Rain water

Huge abstraction of groundwater to meet the demand of huge amount of groundwater is leading us to a new crisis. In Dhaka city, the water level is going down by 3 meters every year. Moreover, various types of installations are being constructed by filling the reservoirs in the urban areas. As a result, the groundwater level is constantly falling. It causes a crisis of soft groundwater.
Rainwater is a very good alternative source of soft water. Rainwater improves digestion, acts as an antioxidant in cancer patients, makes hair beautiful and acts as a bactericide. So we should pay more attention to the utilization of rain water. Another advantage of using rainwater is that it greatly reduces the cost of pumping and thus electricity is saved. There are several ways to conserve rainwater. Rainwater is largely capable of meeting our soft water needs. So in the current water crisis, we need to focus on making full use of rainwater.

A. R. Sultana
