Readers’ Voice


Social Media Abuse
Currently the number of Facebook, YouTube and Twitter users is increasing at an alarming rate. Whatever wish whoever writes his opinion in an instant whether it has an anti-religious, anti-humanitarian, or negative impact on the social context is out of the question. The ghost of cheap popularity has haunted most of the users. However, in this case, the young society is ahead. They don’t stop commenting like that, they are also trying to gain popularity with various video contents. There is nothing like learning or positive impact on society in these promoted videos, but they are obsessed with various obscenities. The video is being released at the moment by holding various body postures through communication. These poor young people are walking towards darkness day by day.
So, family should explain to the child from the beginning about the positive and negative aspects of using social media. The main responsibility of the child is to restrain his own family in these matters.

Redwan Mahmud
