Readers’ Voice


Seasonal Ban On
Hilsa Catching

Hilsa is famous for its unique taste and flavor among the Bengali communities throughout the word. This aquatic resource is a real pride for us comprising the single largest fishery in Bangladesh. The royal flavored Hilsa meets domestic demand of millions of Bengalis every year.
This year ban on Hilsa fishing has come to an effect on 14 October and will continue for 22 days till o4 November. All activities including harvesting, transport, stocking, marketing, sales and bartering of Hilsa are strictly prohibited during the mentioned timeframe. The purpose of ban is to allow brood Hilsa to lay their eggs and migrate from the Bay of Bengal to Meghna and other Hilsa breeding rivers. As a conclusive return of the consecutive seasonal bans, we already have experienced a bumper harvest and reasonable price of Hilsa in the past few years.
To ensure the best fishing practice among approximately half of a million artisanal fishers directly reliant on Hilsa and to comply with ban as well as cope during the non-fishing period, concerned authority should allocate required financial supports for their livelihood.

Wares Ali Khan


US Election And
Some Thoughts

The antics of US President Donald Trump are becoming more absurd and dangerous day by day. It seems that he has become desperate, feeling he might not win the election; he is saying and doing things which are unimaginable and outrageous.
I hope the people of America have had enough and will not make the same mistake again. The whole world is watching, I hope they will cast their votes prudently.

Nur Jahan
