Readers’ Forum


Uncertain future of mankind

20th century marked a turning point in our realisation to save mankind. It was evident more than ever before that advancement in science in the form of rapid industrialisation has given rise to serve atmospheric degradation, emission of green house gases into the atmosphere of our planet Earth.
 The unabated race for growth and development by developed countries is the root cause of the global warming. Developing nations are facing increased natural calamities like cyclones, floods, droughts etc. climate change.
Climate change incidents have become global concerns for the whole of mankind. For addressing this, global leaders resolved under the auspices of United Nations to reduce emissions of GHGs to minimise global warming which, in its turn will help protect mankind from adverse impacts of climate change.
Bangladesh and other coastal and island nations, which are most vulnerable, should move all UN bodies to make developed countries to cut GHG emissions to required levels for a cooler planet.
Ratan Karmakar
Bangladesh Agricultural University
