Readers` Forum


Champion of the Earth: A great accolade

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has received the Champion of the Earth award, the United Nations’ highest environmental accolade in recognition of Bangladesh’s far-reaching initiatives to address climate change.
The award cites the progressive Bangladesh climate change strategy and action plan, as part of climate change mitigation the government is giving high priority to clean energy, in a major initiative to protect environment, human health and livelihoods, legislation is being enacted to step up regulation of the coastal polluting from ship-breaking.
But it is a matter of great regret that we do not find any of the above mentioned steps being followed, people are urging the government to abandon the Rampal Power Plant near Suderbans, the coal fired plant will wrought havoc, it will not only ruin Sunderbans its disastrous effect will be numerous. It will destroy the ecosystem, cyclone and tidal bore will occur frequently.
We hope as a recipient of Champion of the Earth award Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will prove that she really cares for the climate change and stop the projects which are harmful for the atmosphere.

Nur Jahan


Stop killing in Myanmar

When genocide began in former East Pakistan in 1971, the then Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi took great initiative to save the unarmed people of the erstwhile province and became successful because we were on the right track.
After 45 years, a new genocide has begun in our neighbouring Myanmar where the violent Buddhists and the government have been killing unarmed and innocent Muslims. To stop it, what Indira Gandhi did in 1971, Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina can do it right now. She can use the good friendship with India to stop genocide in Myanmar and find a permanent solution, as Indira used Soviet friendship effectively.
In this connection, I like to quote Verse No. 75 of Surah An-Nisa as an inspiration for Sheikh Hasina.
“And what reason have you that you should not fight in the way of Allah and for the weak among the men and the women and the children who are crying: Our Lord! Take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint for us from Yourself a helper”.

Ameer Hamzah
