Readers’ Forum

The Quranic teachings are straight and simple :
The ISIL beheaded six of its own fighters on the charge of their attempt to desert the battlefield, saying that the beheaded soldiers acted against the teachings of the Quran. On this issue, the critics of Islam may find different explanation; but to us, the beheaded soldiers tried to uphold the principles of Islam, rather the ISIL has been working against the ideology of Islam since its foundation.
The Prophet Muhammad (SM) said: Kill not the women, the children, the old, the unarmed men, the priests, and the disable, cut not the trees, and destroy not the houses which are not used as battlefields. The Prophet gave this instruction to his Sahabies just before the beginning of the Battle of Badr in 624 AD. Sadly, the ISIL leadership flagrantly violates the command of the Prophet everytime.
The Prophet paid highest respect to women; contrarily the ISIL uses women as sexual slaves. Any woman who refuses to abide by the unjust and immoral order of the ISIL is killed. There are so many charges against the organisation that hardly the leaders thereof can answer.
We, therefore, think that the OIC must be united to wipe out ISIL, Boko Haraam, Al Qaeda and similar other organisations regardless of their religious identity.

Ameer Hamzah
