Readers’ Forum

US Congress goes tough :
The US Congress reminded the world on September 29 overriding the President’s veto against the bill accusing Saudi Arabia responsible for 9/11 catastrophe that claimed lives of few thousand people that the Americans had lost sense of right and wrong.
Now let us analyse the US role in the Middle East since the invasion of Iran by Iraq in 1980. Everyone knows that the White House provoked President Saddam Hossain to attack Islamic Republic of Iran in order to restore monarchy and destroy ethics, morality and values the world upholds.
 In 1990, the USA again inflamed Saddam Hossain to attack and capture Kuwait, and finally paid money to the pet officers and soldiers to form ‘Free Syrian Army’ to start civil war in Syria in 2011 to divide the country in Jews’ interests.
Not only that, the USA is also responsible for rise of Taliban Muslim Militia in Afghanistan in 1994 and appearance of ISIS in Syria and Iraq two years ago and spread of extremism throughout the world.
Now legislature of which country shall draft bills accusing the USA accountable for holocaust in the Middle East?
Ameer Hamzah