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The deadly guerilla outfits

The Communist Party of India (Maoist) is a Maoist insurgent out-fit in India, which aims at overthrowing the government of India through people’s war. It was founded on 21st September 2004 through the merger of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist), People’s War (People’s War Group) and the Maoist Communist Centre of India (MCCI). The merger was announced on 14 October the same year. In the merger, a provisional central committee was constituted with the erstwhile People’s War Group leader Muppala Lakshmana Rao alias Ganapathi as general secretary.
 Further, on the May Day 2014, the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) withered away into the CPI (Maoist). The CPI (Maoist) are often referred to as the Naxalites in reference to the Naxalbari insurrection conducted by radical Maoists in West Bengal in 1967. CPI (Maoist) is designated as terrorist organisation in India under Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act
The Indian government officials have declared that in 2013 about 76 districts have been affected by the “left wing extremism”, with another 106 districts in ideological influence.
But very recently, the CPI (Maoist) has been rated as the 4th most deadly guerilla orgtanization in the world after the Al-Qaeda, the ISIL and the Boko Haraam. However, China does not reportedly finance the party nor arms. But many political analysts label this party as counter-revolutionary. Andto many others, the Al-Qaeda, the ISIL and the Boko Haraam are terrorists organizations with target to shed blood only through out the world.
Ameer Hamzah
