Readers’ Forum


Provide Internet at affordable cost

Bangladesh is a developing country. As a result of globalization, the world is becoming digital day by day. Today a large number people of Bangladesh are using Internet. At present more then 5 million people are using Internet. But six years ago this number was only 1 million.
A number of Internet users are increasing day by day, but prices are still not affordable by all. When people buy 1 GB Internet, its price is 300 taka excluding STD and VAT applicable. But 300 taka is a lot of money for a middle class people. So a middle class or lower class people cannot buy Internet and use it.
Many people are now using Internet for their regular work. But sometimes they cannot do their work for high price of Internet. If government wants to make a “Digital Bangladesh” then the people should be interested in using the Internet.
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg told the UN General Assembly that by giving people access to the tools, knowledge and opportunities of the Internet, we can give a voice to the voiceless and power to the powerless.
We also know that the Internet is a vital enabler for jobs, growth and opportunity. But if government does not reduce the price of Internet, people will not be able to use Internet. Thus, by all practical reasons, the tariff on Internet use should be reduced at a reasonable level so that it is affordable by the mass people and thereby linking Bangladesh with global communication highway.

Md. Nezam uddin
Moulvibazar Government College, Moulvibazar.
