Readers’ Forum

Words of numerological significance :
Allah revealed the holy Quran as guidance unto mankind to the Prophet Muhammad (SM). It took 23 years to complete the revelation.
 The Lord of the heaven and earth is Allah, in Arabic, having four letters. Muhammad, also in Arabic, is a word which has four letters and has been mentioned in four verses of four surah. Muhammad by name and by attribute has been mentioned 247 times in the Quran. The ultimate numeric sum total of 247 is 2+4+7=13=4 according to numerology.
The Prophet’s another name is Ahmad, when written in Arabic is also summative of four letters.
Humankind’s first worshipping house is Kaaba, components of four letters in Arabic language. The last Book of Allah unto mankind is Quran, which also comprises four letters; so does Ikra, the first word of the holy Quran. The name of the surah is also Ikra.
Number ‘five’ is also very significant. Billah means Allah. There are five letters in Billah. He revealed the Quran in the month of Ramadan by Jibreel. Both Ramadan and Jibreel have five letters. On the first day, five verses were revealed. The Prophet Muhammad (SM) took shelter in the city of Medina and died there. There are five letters in the word Medina.

Ameer Hamzah
