Readers’ Forum


Save film industry

There were about 1,500 cinema halls in the country during the mid-eighties. At present, the number of the halls is less than 300. A cinema hall owner said, there would be no cinema hall in the country after 2018, because they are unable to sustain losses any more.
We know that the cine-halls not only screen evil movies like ‘She Walks by Night,’ ‘America by Night’ and ‘Dracula’, the hall owners hire noble movies like ‘The Message, Omar Mukhtar, Jago Hua Sabera (Day Shall Dawn), Kancher Dewal, Suryo Dighal Bari, Nawab Sirajuddowlah, Mukh of Mukhosh, Ekdin Pratidin, All Quiet on the Western Front and The Bridge on the River Kwai.
In view of this, may we request the ministry of information to take initiative to save the film industry from obliteration.
Abdullah Rahi


Shameful trial

A US court has jailed a Muslim vendor for 22 years, suspecting his ISIS connection. We have not in our hand details of the trial proceedings, but we know that an US Policeman can kill any person irrespective of his/her nationality and for this he will not be tried in any court. A killer Policeman was once asked: Why did he kill an unarmed man? He replied, “It appeared to me that he had arms with him and he might kill me.” We do not know whether that Policeman has been tried or he is still in the service.
President Barrack Obama tried his best to stop such ghastly killing and trial of innocent man and woman on fake charges. But he failed, because could not convince the Congress of his noble initiative.
Ameer Hamzah
