Readers’ Forum


East-West connectivity

THE Hatirjheel Project provided the much-needed east-west connectivity. It was inaugurated and opened to the public in January 2013, affording citizens of the capital easy, hassle-free movement between Rampura-Badda and Tejgaon-Karwan Bazar.
What it only lacked is a proper transport system. Until recently, cars and CNG-run auto rickshaws were the only motorised transport running the road network. People were free to walk down, but even a half of the 16km distance, more or less, proved too difficult, tiresome and time-consuming unless anyone willing to walk at a speed or run for health reasons.
As non-motorised vehicles were not let in, occasionally, early in the morning, after the evening or when law enforcement personnel were unmindful or busy otherwise, rickshaws sneaked in to the comfort of people. But that was an exception and not the rule and that was also unlawful. A year after the inauguration, microbuses or other such small vehicles started picking up and dropping passengers, both at the Rampura-Badda and the Rainbow Crossing ends. The Rainbow Crossing end in a while extended up to Karwan Bazar. Such vehicles picking up and dropping passengers and lining up the road from the Rainbow Crossing to Karwan Bazar soon became a common sight. The travel between the two ends involved money, in fares by passengers and in bribes, as often noticed, by vehicle drivers, and wait for hours for vehicles to become full of passengers.
Towards close to 2015, a circular bus service was put in service under the auspices of Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha. Four buses are now, in initial stages, picking up and dropping passengers at 10 points on the circular road. But two of the buses started running along the Badda-Rampura-Shooting Club circle, making it difficult for the remaining two buses to ferry all the people willing to travel from the Rainbow Crossing to the Rampura-Badda point. Buses travel the distance in about 15 minutes, but people need to wait even for hours at the counters. The buses can ferry about 25 people seated. Will the authorities look into the matter?
Jahanara Nargis
Rampura, Dhaka
