Readers’ Forum

Avoid projects at staggering cost :
It experts’ views carry any grain of salt then the government should forget about Rooppur nuclear power plant. But in contrary, it seems that the government in power has become obsessed to produce more power without caring how it will affect our economy and environment.
I was crestfallen and my heart skipped a beat when from news paper reports I came to know that Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant would require a staggering $ 13.5b. It has been disclosed that when the government first floated the idea of this plant in 2009 some experts had said it would require around $ 2-3 billion only.
From the very first when people learnt about the nuclear power plant, they were protesting vehemently, conscious citizens and experts were against it. They explained the reasons. Bangladesh is in high risk of earthquake, we are not as technically developed as Japan and Bangladesh is a small country so in case of radiation people will not be able to move to safer places.
Ignoring all these how could a government make plans to spend such a huge amount of money to produce electricity when there are innumerable sections which are in dire need of it? Dhaka has been branded as the second least liveable city in the world, roads and highways are in a dilapidated condition, rivers and channels have become filled with filth, traffic jam has become unbearable, hospitals are in a sorry state, our airports are not up to standard, the list will go on and on.
The government should abandon the plan of setting up the nuclear power plant because it will deprive people of their basic rights and also it will be unethical.
Nur Jahan