Readers’ Forum


Russia in Syria

The presence of the Russian troops and military equipment in Syria take us back in the cold war era involving former Soviet Union and the USA. A spokesman of the Russian government said that the reinforcement would continue. A year ago, Moscow captured Crimean and part of Ukraine overlooking the Western countries’ ultimatum of economic boycott. From the last two years’ development, it appears that Russia under former KGB Chief Vladimir Putin is trying to return to the communist era.
Meanwhile, a Chinese general has warned the USA against attacking China. The statement reminds the USA of China’s capability of striking back. In the East, an Army general said that India would pay uncountable losses in the event of the nuclear war following the statement of an Indian Military authority that they are preparing for a limited but swift engagement. Meanwhile, the reported use of chemical weapons by the USA sponsored ISIS guerilla organisation has added new dimension in the Middle-East. In this situation, we request the five big nuclear powers to try to avert holocaust.
Khurshida Haque
