Readers` Forum


Check misuse of lawPolitical Philosopher Salmond said, “Law is a collection of rules which the State recognises and applies in the administration of justice.”According to Jurist Chanakya, if the King gives heavier or lighter punishment to the wrong-doer than he deserves, then justice is denied. The sources of law are customs, religion, judicial decision, equality, scientific commentary and legislature.The purposes of law are to reform wrong-doers, to maintain order and discipline in the society, and to ensure security of life and property.Justice Abu Yusuf said, none should be arrested without sufficient grounds, no one should be caned in Police custody without court’s order, and none be forced to give false statement and evidence. Imam Muhammad said, if the raped victim is female, her identity must not be exposed to public. According to Islami jurisprudence, none shall be punished if he or she steals driven by hunger.So, application of law must be in the interest of the society, people and State, while the purpose of ethics and morality is to check misuse so that an innocent is not victimised.Ameer HamzahDhakaThreats of showing muscle powerThe USA will mobilize F-22 Raptor fighter planes in Europe soon in view of mounting Russian nuclear power.Then is the world heading towards another world war like the first and the second world wars? At least on two occasions between 1975 and 1985, the world averted 3rd world war i.e. nuclear holocaust.Once British Philosopher Bertrand Russell said about the consequence of the 3rd World War that the USA would suffer more casualties and economic losses than the Soviet Union would bear. But the US war-mongers do not take such warning into account, as they did not directly witness war devastations, even during the two world wars. In the eighties, I saw in an English movie the endless nuclear devastation suffered by the US mainland after Soviet attack.The US war-mongers began to dance with the fall of the Soviet Union and the communism in early nineties, but they should know that both Russia and China have nuclear teeth capable to bite.Therefore, may we request the US to abandon showing muscle power in the interest of the world peace?Abdullah AkberDhaka
