Readers’ Forum


Can Russia strike back?

The US President Obama has threatened of strong action against Russia if Crimea of Ukraine is annexed to Moscow. The European Union has programmed economic sanction against Moscow if President Putin, once KGB chief, does not retreat from his stand on Crimea.
We know not whether Putin has been scared of threat because of several strategic weak points. But we know that it was never possible when Russia was part of the former Soviet Union. Till 1990, the Soviet leaders annexed Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithonia, but no power on the earth talked in Obama line against Moscow. Rather Premier Krushchev forced the UK, France and Israeli soldiers out of Egypt in 1956.
Honestly speaking, Soviet Union was the dominant military power and caused much disaster to the western powers on many occasions. The emergence of 16 independent countries with the fall of Soviet Union made the USA single super power. Russia is trying to reemerge and for that it needs morale boosting and courage.

Mohammad Shamsher
