Readers’ Forum


It now rests on PM Modi

On June 6, 2015 Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Bangladesh, we were waiting with much expectation for the Honourable Prime Minister hoping many unsolved issues would be solved because he seemed a person of great wisdom, sensible and caring. But we have to become disappointed because the problems remained as it were, Farakkah barrage, Tipaimukh Dam and water sharing of Teesta river ¾ they are core unresolved problems, but we do not know if those are going to be solved.
Bangladesh a small country with sixteen crore people is besieged with many problems, political unrest, natural calamities and increasing of all sorts of crimes in manifolds. Now a great danger is looming overhead, the Rampal Power Plant, it is a joint venture, called Bangladesh India Friendship Power Company.
Experts at a meeting wanted to know how the National Thermal Power Company (NTPC) of India could obtain the clearance for the Rampal project when the same Indian company was not allowed to build a coal based power plant on the Indian side of the world’s largest mangrove forest?
We fervently request Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to look into the matter and save Bangladesh from destructions which is inevitable if the Rampal Power Plant is built.
We hope and trust that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will not remain indifferent and take the necessary steps to save his neighbours from a horrible fate.
Nur Jahan
