Readers’ Forum


TV channel for sports

 There are 24 TV channels in the country, But sadly there is no sports channel although it can fetch lots of fortunes for the entrepreneurs. The existing TV channels do not cover even continental sports events let alone the international tournaments.
Sports are innocent, national flag and identity carrier, lay foundation of diplomacy among the countries as did it in 1971 between the USA and China (known as Ping Pong diplomacy), help exchange ideas and thoughts and also sources of revenues (about 60 Brazilian footballers are playing across the globe).
In the Olympic Games, there are more than 40 disciplines, of which soccer, hockey, cricket, gymnastics, table tennis, volleyball, basketball, swimming, athletics, rowing, badminton, shooting, tennis and archery have their roots in the rural areas also. People get excited, walk many miles to witness the matches and depend on the newspapers and the televisions to know the results of the international competitions. But the quality of presentation of sports events by the TV channels in Bangladesh is, rather, substandard, as they do not cover other than European football, tennis, athletics and cricket.
As such, may we request the interested entrepreneurs to open a sports channel in the country? Surely any sports channel will be profitable because the more the viewers the more the advertisements. There are 10 sports channels in India and all of them are earning profits. Hardly there is any country in the world without sports channel. Can we expect initiative in this regard from our entrepreneurs?

M. Khaled
