Readers’ Forum


Ending the impasse

With deep anguish we are watching the ongoing unrest. Forty-three years have passed but the country has started to disintegrate. Thanks to our politicians for their self-interest they will do anything not caring how it affects the country and the people.
The root of this situation is the non-participial election of January 5, 2014, which was held by abolishing the CTG, we learned that it was done solely by the wish of Prime, many members of her cabinet were against the step.
People think it most unjust because CTG was introduced by the demand of the Awami League. They made havoc to achieve their goal, they cannot discard it just because they got the feelings that Awami League might not come to power if election is held under a neutral government. Ninety-five percent people want the election to be held under the CTG, Awami League always claim that people are with them, then why this reluctance? If they are popular they will again come to power with peoples mandate. So to save the country, the government must immediately take steps to end this impasse.

Nur Jahan


Individuals who make changes

I was pleased to read this week that the Freedom Fighters of Bangladesh presented a special Certificate of Appreciation to Sir Frank Peters in recognition of his efforts to eradicate corporal punishment from our schools.
The horror still continues in many classrooms throughout the country but through no fault of his. His persistence is unmatched and he’s forever chipping away at its evil roots with logic, compassion, and commonsense.
His writings have proved that he has the best interests of Bangladesh at heart and that he is truly a “Foreign Friend of Bangladesh”.
Other than the wisdom and logic that can be found in his writings, perhaps the greatest lesson I’ve learned from him so far (and I tell my children) is never to give up and that an individual can bring about change (without help or support from hideously-rich non-active organizations like Save the Children and UNICEF).
Many people from time to time vocalize their disagreement about this or that, but once said its forgotten there’s never any follow-up, but not Sir Frank. In his passion to rid the school system of corporal punishment, he refuses to let go his bulldog grip and demonstrates great compassion in doing so.
I thank him on behalf of many families like mine and I wish his admirable campaign a successful conclusion. May Allah always bless him.
Tania Matin
Badda, Dhaka
