Readers’ Forum


National interest matters most

The US arms embargo on once diehard enemy country Vietnam has been lifted, which has angered the East Asian country’s liberation wartime’s great friend China. The US decision is nothing but outcome of global strategy, which no country in the world can deny in formulating its foreign policy. A former British prime minister said, “There is no Permanent friend and no permanent foe, but there is permanent interests”.
We know the history of Vietnam-the history of its war unto death to free the motherland from the yoke of imperialism. The was not a single inch of the soil of Vietnam that had not been bombed by the US Air Force. The people of that country endured all kinds of torture and repressions to become free citizens of a free country.
The dispute with China begins here. Beijing wanted to take control of Hanoi’s foreign policy with a view to depriving Vietnam of its shares in the South China Sea’s oil resources.
The calculation soon proved wrong. The Chinese CP leaders failed to explain
global interests. In brief, once enemy is becoming friend and once friend is becoming enemy. This is the lesson of history.

Abdullah Akber
