Readers’ Forum


A Noble Gentleman – Sir Frank Peters
Sir Frank Peters came to our school last year and delivered a lecture to the class that was entertaining and inspirational. He told us to give no space in our heads to negative thinking. He said it achieves nothing and was like “sawing sawdust”. He covered many subjects intended to improve our thinking and prepare us for the future. Of the many pieces of advices he gave, one in particular stood out and has helped us enormously to learn English.
The noble gentleman brought to our attention that we study English for 90-minutes a day in the classroom, but once we left the school we did all our talking in Bengali. So we were getting very little English practice. But we must know how an English-speaking person talks. We even didn’t have the confidence to reply of the question of an English-speaking person because we’ve had no practice.
He suggested us to form groups of two or more friends and speak in English as much as we can to help each other. This we did and we — Asif, Ali and me — are now the best English speaking persons in our school and won many debates.
On the eve of Christmas Day, we would like to wish Sir Frank a Merry Christmas and thank him for his excellent advices that had changed our thinking.

Merry Christmas Sir Frank!
Rajowl Rony, Asif Chowdhury and Ali Bapery
