Readers’ Forum

The unbearable traffic in Dhaka
It truly is amazing how constantly bad the traffic in Dhaka is and the fact that people have grown so accustomed to it, that they simply accept it as it is, day in and day out.
There is nothing normal about such acceptance. People should realise the number of hours, energy and everything else that they are forced to waste because of Dhaka’s terrible traffic congestion. And they should speak up and do something about it.
On top of the already bad traffic, continuous VIP movements simply make the situation worse. And what is worst is that nobody cares about that either. Not anyone from within the government, and not even the citizens who have to wait around on the roads for hours on end, under the scorching heat.
Perhaps it is because these VIPs have it so easy, as entire roads are blocked off to facilitate their movements, that no one from within the government care about traffic congestion, as they themselves never have to deal with it. Are they even aware of the situation? I wonder.
But what about the people themselves? Do they actually think things will change without them taking steps on their own, as well as demanding that the government do something about it?

Tamjeed Muzaffar
