Readers’ Forum


Violence against women

Violence against women is on increase alarmingly in the country. Whenever we read the newspaper or watch television news, there is news of violence against women in both urban and rural areas. Although both the prime minister and the opposition leader have been women since 1991, there has been no improvement of the situation.
It is because the governments of the past and the present have not viewed the issue seriously and our male members are not seriously conscious about the consequence of torturing women. We read in the holy Quran that Allah shall not spare them who will oppress mankind. When a man will be convinced that he will be punished in the hereafter if he maltreats with women, he will think twice before committing crime.
The responsibility to make man and woman aware of the basic knowledge about Islam implies upon the guardians, madrasa teachers, imams and religion based political parties.
One of the major reasons of violence is demand for dowry. According to the Verse No. 4 and 24 of Surah An-Nisa, bridegroom will pay dowry to bride, not that bride will pay to bridegroom. As such, whoever demands dowry from wife or her guardians, he is liable to punishment. We, therefore, feel that law alone will not be able to stop violence against females, religious knowledge is also necessary.

Abdullah Akber
