Readers’ Forum


Expectations from the political parties?

The forthcoming election is extremely crucial for the future direction of our nation. Not just because it’s the first time that the opposition agreed to take part in the election under a partisan government, but also because the stakes are so high for the people given the current political circumstances.
Still the people face a tough situation. On the one hand, one may argue that the last ten years saw massive infrastructural development for the country, while on the other, it is also true that a certain section of people disproportionately reaped the benefits of such development. Meanwhile, the opposition’s track record in governance is also questionable.Contesting parties are expected to announce their electoral manifestos within days. I would encourage people to find out whether their concerns are addressed in the manifestos.
Political parties, too, need to understand that the people expect them to govern the country in a responsible and democratic manner, while taking the necessary steps to reduce corruption. All the contesting political parties would do well to remember before the election that we, the people, expect them to respect our expectations in their activities and in their conducts.
Biplob Biswas
