Readers’ Forum

Ensure safe travelling for woman :
A video showing policemen harassing a young woman went viral on social media recently. Two policemen were seen in the footage stopping an auto-rickshaw in which the woman was travelling alone at night. An altercation broke out between the woman and the policemen, as the latter started using offensive language.
What enrages everyone is that the policemen were questioning the woman’s character since she was travelling late at night. They also kept shining a torch on her face and even threatened that they could take her away if they wished.
The incident was disturbing for many reasons. Firstly, it’s highly offensive to make implications about anyone just because they have to travel late at night. Secondly, the police is supposed to keep people safe, not to harass them for no reason.
The authorities have stated that the policemen have been identified and actions would be taken against them. They should be suspended, if not sacked, for their ignominious behaviour.

Abdul Twoha
By e-mail
