Readers’ Forum


Motorcycles using footpaths

Footpaths being built for the pedestrians only for their safe and convenient walking from one place to another. But nowadays most of the footpaths in our cities are occupied by hawkers and transient shopkeepers. In spite of this situation, reckless driving motorcycles on footpaths especially in Dhaka city has been made footpath totally unsafe and inconvenient for the pedestrians. Though some days ago in Dhaka city, the authorities took step to set up iron bars on footpaths to control motorcycles. But most of them being gouged by motorbikers and stolen by the criminals.
In this circumstances, motorbikers should show respect to pedestrians’ right and stop this illegal act urgently ,police should take necessary steps against people who run bikes on footpaths as well as road authorities should come forward to reset the stolen bars and steps for regular maintenance of these bars also required.

Md. Tarek Aziz Bappi student,
University of Dhaka
