Readers’ Forum


The painful silence

When the Iraqi government had requested for US assistance against the Sunnih insurgents that controls a vast area in Iraq and Syria and by this time killed thousands of Shiite Muslims, the US President Barack Obama said that the US would act carefully and responsibly to prevent potential act of genocide against the Yazidi and Christian communities-both minority groups in Iraq. This is called community feeling. The US does not consider killing of Palestine civilians by Israel as an act of genocide because they are Muslims. The silence of the world community is really painful. The H
R bodies are no good either. But they cry out without investigation when a man is killed in Bangladesh for any reason whatsoever.
May I ask the US President to come out from the blindness and follow the right way?
Ameer Hamzah

Inequality of law


The Chinese government has been subjecting the Muslims living in that country. Latest, the Muslims men having beard and women wearing hizab (veil) will not be allowed in the public transports. Early in the Arabic month of Ramadan, fasting and performance of Namaj publicly were banned. To enforce the decree, the government locked many mosques and asked the intelligence officials to report about violation of the State ruling.
In truth, the Muslims of Myanmar, Angolia, Central African Republic and China are in the worst state. They do not have minimum rights as citizens of those countries, are always subjected to religious discrimination in jobs, education and health care sectors.
In this regard, I would request the UN and the OIC to impose economic sanctions against the aforesaid four countries to protect the minority Muslims before extinction.

Abdullah Akber
