Readers’ Forum

Killing NSU student! :
Is this the ‘Sonar Bangla’ our beloved Bangladesh of which we are proud of! Not anymore, the gold has lost its glitter, has become blackened with all the heinous incidents, which are taking place regularly. Unspeakable crimes have become routine matter, people have lost morality, kindness and all good qualities.
The news published in the New Nation on July 26, 2018 with the heading ‘NSU student death, Bus supervisor makes spine-chilling confession’ has made us numb with horror and deep sorrow. At one point when the student was running to catch the bus his head smashed with the auto gate and he fell on the ground and became unconscious, his mouth and nose were bleeding. The supervisor, bus driver and the bus helper after a discussion threw Payel who was still alive into the canal from a nearby bridge. Autopsy report revealed that the student died from the drowning, not from the injury he received.
We have to clutch our hearts with fear and agony, is this country creating fiends? Will ever this on going repulsing trend end? We have no hope, the present does not foretell any better future.
We can only pray to the Al-Mighty to deliver us and give us peace.

Nur Jahan
