Readers’ Forum


A time of introspection for BCB

Perhaps members of the BCB could consider a six months’ salary cut. This could be a time of introspection and reflection. One of the first things that could be done with this money is to pay in full all of the BPL players who remain unpaid. Remaining funds could be donated to the impoverished but mentally tough Bangladesh Chess Team representing their country at the Olympiad in August in Norway.
Next could be to analyse why so many foreign coaches have left in rapid succession? Next why were they unable to provide the wife of the best cricketer in Bangladesh history sufficient stadium security so that she could watch her husband play in peace without being harassed?
They could also examine what their possible role could have been in nurturing and mentoring the most brilliant batsman in Bangladesh cricket history who ended up succumbing to the temptation of match fixing. While meting out extremely harsh punishment on the only Bangladesh cricketer wanted by any significant “PL”, perhaps they could also consider their inconsistency of pampering certain high-profile non-performers who continue to lose matches for their ever loyal and patient fans. “Mercy triumphs over judgment.”

Scott Elliott
Working and Living in Uttara, Dhaka
