Readers’ Forum


Police must be pro-people minded

We used to look upon the police with reverence and considered them as the friends of the people and it was their motto “Police is your friend, seek their help when necessary”.
 But is that really so, these days police seems friends only to the ruling party, common people are their adversary, at every opportunity they harass them, act with them ruthlessly. Political parties could not arrange even a peaceful event, police disperse them with batons and water cannons. Their excuse is that people’s free movement is being obstructed by these programmes. Is that really so? Then what about people becoming stranded when high-ups of the government move around and people have to remain stuck in the traffic jam hours after hours? We abhor this attitude of the police force.
Police is maintained by the tax payers, money. How could they forget it and act abominably with those who are helping them to survive? We hope they will come to their senses and act accordingly.

Nur Jahan
