Readers’ Forum


Oceania’s group status

There are 14 countries and islands in Oceania continent but there is even not a single direct representative in the World Cup Football final round. The Oceania champions have to meet the fourth placed North American team in the play-off. This is injustice that Oceania will have no representative in the WCF final round.
There is a solution to it. We think that the Aussies membership should be scrapped from the Asia Football Confederation (AFC) for return to the Oceania Football Federation (OFF). After that the Oceania champions will have one direct representative.
In such a situation, a continent should sacrifice and it may be Europe who have highest 14 representatives now. The other continents’ quotas will remain unchanged. The final standing is: Europe 13, South America and Africa five each, Asia and North America four each, and Oceania one only. If it is done, the standard of football in Oceania will surely improve.

P. Rozario
