Readers’ Forum


How clean Bangladesh is?

THIS question is on everyone’s mind, particularly people who want to see a much greener Bangladesh. Empty packets, cigarette butts, cans and bottles are seen on the roads; this has become a common scenario. The government can take an initiative for effective recycling and place more bins along the roads and footpaths from where the bin truck would collect the wastes and take it for recycling.
During Eid ul-Azha, we sacrifice animals and there is a lot of waste which should not be heaped on the road sides. It might be a good idea if there is a slaughterhouse in every area so that animals could be sacrificed there and the wastes would not be strewn all over the area, which makes it difficult for cleaning. There are slaughterhouses in many countries, including Saudi Arabia. Our government should open slaughterhouses to make things convenient for people and to keep our country clean.


Dhaka and its traffic

THE government has recently built a few footbridges and flyovers, which made travelling to a few places in the capital Dhaka a bit easier. However, should the government not look at the other side of the story, too, which is the traffic on the roads of Dhaka?
If the initiative to get the unfit vehicles and those without licence off the road is taken strictly, it would certainly reduce the risk of road traffic accidents. Moreover, if the roads that are in need of repair are taken care of, eventually traffic congestion would ease as well.
Bushra Tamanna Noor
