Readers’ Forum

Danger of nuclear madness :
The peace loving people of the world are tired of the US President Donald Trump, who wants North Korea to act on his dictation. But he forgets that the East Asian country is not a paper tiger, it has sharp nuclear teeth. In addition, the Pyongyang government knows it well that China and Russia cannot sit idle in the event of US invasion, as both the countries have borders with North Korea.
Meanwhile, North Korea’s two trusted friends have deployed large armies on the borders, which the western war experts consider as an signal to the White House that they (China and Russia) will not watch North Korea’s destruction from safe distance.
Even if the war does not expand to any third country, the price of the US invasion of North Korea will be paid by he whole world for centuries. So, we request both the USA and the North Korean governments to think several times before taking any adventurous step.
Ameer Hamzah