Rape in Hospital

MEDIA reports on Thursday that six on duty Ansars at Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) raped a 20-year autistic girl in the hospital has no doubt sent alarm signal about safety of female inmates in all hospitals throughout the country. If a mentally disadvantaged girl is not safe in the biggest hospital in the capital, safety of young girls in such other hospitals is at anybody’s guess. We don’t know what is happening all over. What is more shocking is that security personnel had locked her in a room otherwise used to treat patients suggesting how unsafe has become highly protected places. The other shocking thing is that the authorities have just withdrawn the six violators and closed them while the hospital management has informed the victim’s family of the mishap. The question is why the accused personnel were not handed over to higher disciplinary authorities to face trial. They will be posted on duty at another place again; while the internal investigation is likely to end at one point using lack of proper deposition by the mentally disadvantaged girl.

We must say, mere suspension is not punishment and informing victim’s family of the mishap does not end the hospital authorities responsibility. We can’t understand how the DMCH authorities are arranging safety of patients in the hospital, particularly of women. Why they have left the security so vulnerable without counter-vigilance system. There is every possibility that many high crimes may also happen in the hospital in this situation in the silence of night-time. DMCH is a den of corruption and mismanagement under political shelter. Attendants treat patients, sweepers put bandage while doctors very often not present at workplace. Hospital ambulance system is hostage to a syndicate of employees and the management is indifferent about it.


In one estimate over 294 women and children were admitted to hospitals across the country between July and September as muggers are torturing, political cadres are killing and maiming college girls and it is sad law enforcers are not exceptions as well. In our view the government must take effective steps to rein in the situation before anarchy is spreading all over.

There is no management at Dhaka Medical College Hospital is clear. Rapists must be punished but management of DMCH must also be reorganised.
