Rape case accused arrested in Sylhet

He ‘takes Indian citizenship to escape sentence’


UNB, Sylhet :

A fugitive accused in a rape case has been arrested from Sreepur Tea Garden in Sylhet after he took Indian citizenship to escape sentence.

The arrestee was identified as Sujit Nomo Biswas, son of late Projes Biswas of Vitrikhel Guchhogram village of Jaintapur Upazila.

Golam Dastagir, officer-in-charge (OC) of Jaintapur Police Station, said Sujit was a fugitive accused in the rape case. He was trying to escape sentence with Indian citizenship.


On Tuesday, Sujit entered Bangladesh through the Sreepur Tea Garden border point as he did frequently. On information, police arrested him after confirming his identity, the OC said.

Sujit was brought before the court on Wednesday, Dastagir added.

A rape case was filed against Sujit at Jaintapur Police Station in June 18, 2020. He escaped to India about one and half years ago and took shelter at his sister’s place. He changed his name as Roni Roy taking Indian citizenship with his sister’s help, he added.
