Rangunia cops sued for destroying rape evidence


UNB, Dhaka :A case was filed against two policemen, including the OC of Rangunia Police Station, for destroying the evidence related to the rape of a 12-year-old housemaid allegedly by her employer in the upazila.The victim’s mother filed the case with the Women and Children Oppression Prevention Tribunal-2 against OC Humayun Kabir and SI Mojibur Rahman of the police station.On May 8 this year, when mother of the victim went to file a case with Rangunia Police Station accusing her neighbour Shah Alam, 55, of violating her daughter, police did not record any case.The victim used to work as a house help at Shah Alam’s residence at Shilok Minagazir Tilla village in the upazila.As locals handed Shah Alam to police, the law enforcers set him free, and instead police picked up the victim, her brother and mother on that night and kept them detained them in the police station.
