Rangeela Panipuri

1 cup – Suji/Semolina
3 tbsp – Maida
A pinch of cooking soda
1tsp – Spinanch juice
1tsp – Carrot juice
1tsp – Beetroot juice
A pinch of Turmeric powder
Pomace Olive Oil – For deep frying
* Mix suji/semolina, maida, cooking soda, pinch of salt together and divide into four parts.
* Add spinach juice to the first part, carrot juice to the second, beetroot juice to the third and turmeric to the fourth.
* Knead them well adding water. The dough should be as smooth as they are while making rotis.
* Keep them covered for ten mins.
* Knead the dough and make small balls out of it.
* Roll out into thin puris, fry till crisp and let them cool.
* Serve with stuffing and chilled and spicy water.