Randhir Kapoor plays down rumours of Ranbir`s engagement


There are huge rumours floating around that Ranbir Kapoor is marrying a girl from a business family in London and that he and mother Neetu Kapoor had gone to London for the initial meetings with the would-be-bride and her family.
But Ranbir’s uncle Randhir Kapoor has played down the rumours in a recent interview, saying it isn’t the case.
He thinks there is no reason for Ranbir to settle down just as yet. “Ranbir is having a terrific time with all the success and the money he’s got, and age being in his favour too.
Why does he have to get married and spoil it all so soon?” he said. He also added that people should stop worrying about Ranbir’s relationship status.
We have always been hearing that Neetu Kapoor doesn’t want an industry girl as a bahu so maybe there is some truth in the rumours.
