Rana Plaza owner gets 3-yr jail term in graft case

Court Correspondent :
The Special Judge Court-6 of Dhaka on Tuesday sentenced Sohel Rana, owner of the Rana Plaza, to three years imprisonment in a case filed by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) for not submitting his wealth statement in time.
Judge Imrul Kayes of the court also fined him Tk 50,000, in default, he will have to suffer three months more in the prison. The Judge handed down the verdict in presence of Sohel. This is for the first time Rana has been imprisoned by a court in one of the six cases filed against him and others.
Mahbubur Rahman, Deputy Director of ACC filed the case with Ramna Police Station on May 20, 2015, on the charge of accumulating wealth illegally.
On April 2, 2015, the ACC sent a notice to Sohel Rana at Kashimpur jail in Gazipur asking him to submit his wealth statement within the stipulated time. But he failed to submit the report within the deadline.
Later, his wife submitted an application to the ACC seeking time to submit the wealth report, but on May 18 the Commission approved the case against Sohel Rana rejecting the plea.
The ACC formed a two-member probe body to know about the wealth of Sohel Rana after the Rana Plaza collapse on April 24, 2013 that left 1,129 people killed and about 2,515 others injured.
According to the ACC probe report, he built two commercial buildings- Rana Plaza and Rana Tower in Savar with ill-gotten money. He has also a five-storied residential building in Savar and huge movable and immovable properties.
Sohel Rana was arrested after the collapse on April 29, 2013. On April 12 this year, the ACC filed separate cases against his parents — Morzina Begum and Abdul Khaleque on the charge of amassing wealth worth about Tk 17 crore illegally.