Rally held on World Kidney Day

Kidney Awareness Monitoring and Prevention Society (KAMPS) brought out a rally in the city on Thursday to mark the World Kidney Day-2017.
Kidney Awareness Monitoring and Prevention Society (KAMPS) brought out a rally in the city on Thursday to mark the World Kidney Day-2017.
City Desk :
To mark the World Kidney Day-2017, Kidney Awareness Monitoring and Prevention Society (KAMPS), a leading voluntary organization, on Thursday brought out a colorful rally, motorcade and organized ‘Flash Move’ at different parts in the city.
Beginning from the IDEB Bhaban, Kakrail in city, the motorcade paraded Paltan, Matijheel, Shahbag, Mohakhali, Farmgate, TSC, Moghbazar, baily Road areas bearing festoons, placards, banners with awareness raising slogans on kidney diseases.
The rally and motorcade was led by Chief Consultant of Kidney Department, Labaid Specialised Hospital and Chairman of KAMPS, Prof. Dr. MA Samad while representatives from professional segment of the society took part in the rally.
A street meeting was held at the end of the rally. Professor Samad and some renowned persons addressed the street meeting.
Addressing the street meeting, Prof. Samad said one third people in the world are overweight, around 67 crore people are obese, which is risky for lot many killing diseases. One fourth people in Bangladesh are suffering from obesity, according to WHO people die from diseases caused by overweight or over eating is much more than die from malnutrition.
He mentioned that more than 3 lakhs of people die untimely in USA every year due to diseases caused by overweight, it costs $150 billion or Tk. 14 lakh 40,000 crore for their treatment which is about four times higher than our national budget.
